Top Ten SEO Tools

Why some of your competitors blog are rangking better than your blog ? I will give you Top Ten Seo Tools that can help you to know exactly what your competitors are doing and how to do they excel in doing it right.

With these tools you can analize your competitor's in links, bechmarking your blog performance, and many more.

1. SEO Tool - Rank Checker
This tool helps you check your rankings and report back. Or you can use it to check your competitors rangking and report back to you.

2. SEO for Firefox
You can use this tool to pulls in many useful marketing data points to make it easy get a more holistic view or the competitive landscape of a market right from the search result.

3. KeywordSpy
This tool helps you to find which keywords your competitors are using.

4. Keyword Difficulty
Use this tool for multiple domain chek-ups for google Page Rank and the Alexa Ranking

5. SEO Digger
Helps you analize your competitor keywords and know which can be used to find a given domain in Google or MSN.

6. Check Your IndexRank
IndexRank is a 0-10 metric (higher is better) that uses an algorithm based on Google’s indexing data to determine the indexing rate of a website . It measures the rate at which your site is being indexed, which also translates into the rate at which it is growing.

7. Domain Stats Tool
Use this tool and get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains. The statistics include Alexa Taffic Rank, Age of the domains, Yahoo WebRank, Dmoz listings, count of backlinks and number of pages indexed in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.

8. WebSiteGrader
This tool provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO,social popularity and other techinal factors. The software will provide a competitive analysis for websites of your competitors.

9. Compete
Use this tool to analyze the difference in growth of two or more web sites, including site traffic history and competitive analytics.

10. Blog Juice Calculator
It's a fun tool that allow you to compare your blog to other's based oo: rss subscriber, Alexa, and Technorati rank and links.


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